The given work describes methodological principles of design instrumentalcomplex of ontological purpose. Instrumental complex intends for theimplementation of the integrated information technologies automated build ofdomain ontologies. Results focus on enhancing the effectiveness of theautomatic...
Two classical upper bounds on the Shannon capacity of graphs are the$\vartheta$-function due to Lov\'asz and the minrank parameter due to Haemers.We provide several explicit constructions of $n$-vertex graphs with a constant$\vartheta$-function and minrank at least $n^\delta$ for a constant $\delta...
We propose a flipped-Adversarial AutoEncoder (FAAE) that simultaneouslytrains a generative model G that maps an arbitrary latent code distribution toa data distribution and an encoder E that embodies an "inverse mapping" thatencodes a data sample into a latent code vector. Unlike previous...
In this paper, we introduce a web-scale general visual search system deployedin Microsoft Bing. The system accommodates tens of billions of images in theindex, with thousands of features for each image, and can respond in less than200 ms. In order to overcome the challenges in relevance, latency...
Calculating the semantic similarity between sentences is a long dealt problemin the area of natural language processing. The semantic analysis field has acrucial role to play in the research related to the text analytics. Thesemantic similarity differs as the domain of operation differs. In this...
Un-manned aerial vehicle (UAVs) have the potential to change the landscape ofwide-area wireless connectivity by bringing them to areas where connectivitywas sparing or non-existent (e.g. rural areas) or has been compromised due todisasters. While Google's Project Loon and Facebook's Project Aquila...
The mean field approximation to the Ising model is a canonical variationaltool that is used for analysis and inference in Ising models. We provide asimple and optimal bound for the KL error of the mean field approximation forIsing models on general graphs, and extend it to higher order Markov...
Photorealistic image style transfer algorithms aim at stylizing a contentphoto using the style of a reference photo with the constraint that thestylized photo should remains photorealistic. While several methods exist forthis task, they tend to generate spatially inconsistent stylizations...
For an arbitrary initial configuration of indivisible loads over vertices ofa distributed network, we consider the problem of minimizing the discrepancybetween the maximum and minimum load among all vertices. For this problem,diffusion-based algorithms are well studied because of its simplicity...
Hybrid beamforming is a promising concept to achieve high data ratetransmission at millimeter waves. To implement it in a transceiver, manyreferences optimally adapt to a high-dimensional multi-antenna channel but moreor less ignore the complexity of the channel estimation. Realizing thatreceived...
Religious beliefs could facilitate human cooperation [1-6], promote civicengagement [7-10], improve life satisfaction [11-13] and even boom economicdevelopment [14-16]. On the other side, some aspects of religion may lead toregional violence, intergroup conflict and moral prejudice against atheists...
Creation of the information systems and tools for scientific research anddevelopment support has always been one of the central directions of thedevelopment of computer science. The main features of the modern evolution ofscientific research and development are the transdisciplinary approach and...
We consider the setting of prediction with expert advice; a learner makespredictions by aggregating those of a group of experts. Under this setting, andwith the right choice of loss function and "mixing" algorithm, it is possiblefor the learner to achieve constant regret regardless of the number...
CASPaxos is a replicated state machine (RSM) protocol, an extension of Synod.Unlike Raft and Multi-Paxos, it doesn't use leader election and logreplication, thus avoiding associated complexity. Its symmetric peer-to-peerapproach achieves optimal commit latency in wide-area networks and doesn'tcause...
Recently, in the community of Neural Style Transfer, several algorithms areproposed to transfer an artistic style in real-time, which is known as FastStyle Transfer. However, controlling the stroke size in stylized results stillremains an open challenge. To achieve controllable stroke sizes...
The alignment of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks has manyapplications, such as the detection of conserved biological network motifs, theprediction of protein interactions, and the reconstruction of phylogenetictrees [1, 2, 3]. IsoRank is one of the first global network alignmentalgorithms...
Hoare and He's theory of reactive processes provides a unifying foundationfor the formal semantics of concurrent and reactive languages. Though highlyapplicable, their theory is limited to models that can express event historiesas discrete sequences. In this paper, we show how their theory can...
We present improved algorithms for fast calculation of the inverse squareroot for single-precision floating-point numbers. The algorithms are much moreaccurate than the famous fast inverse square root algorithm and have the sameor similar computational cost. The main idea of our work consists in...
Predicting the outcomes of integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) into theNational Airspace System (NAS) is a complex problem which is required to beaddressed by simulation studies before allowing the routine access of UAS intothe NAS. This paper focuses on providing a 3-dimensional (3D)...
To accelerate the training of kernel machines, we propose to map the input data to a randomized low-dimensional feature space and then apply existing fast linear methods. The features are designed so that the inner products of the transformed data are approximately equal to those in the feature...
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