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Towards Better Understanding of Self-Supervised Representations

Neha Kalibhat, Kanika Narang, Liang Tan, Hamed Firooz, Maziar Sanjabi, Soheil Feizi

Self-supervised learning methods have shown impressive results in downstream classification tasks. However, there is limited work in understanding and interpreting their learned representations. In this paper, we study the representation space of several state-of-the-art self-supervised models including SimCLR, SwaV, MoCo V2 and BYOL. Without the use of class label information, we first discover discriminative features that are highly active for various subsets of samples and correspond to unique physical attributes in images. We show that, using such discriminative features, one can compress the representation space of self-supervised models up to 50% without affecting downstream linear classification significantly. Next, we propose a sample-wise Self-Supervised Representation Quality Score (or, Q-Score) that can be computed without access to any label information. Q-Score, utilizes discriminative features to reliably predict if a given sample is likely to be mis-classified in the downstream classification task achieving AUPRC of 0.91 on SimCLR and BYOL trained on ImageNet-100. Q-Score can also be used as a regularization term to remedy low-quality representations leading up to 8% relative improvement in accuracy on all 4 self-supervised baselines on ImageNet-100, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and STL-10. Moreover, through heatmap analysis, we show that Q-Score regularization enhances discriminative features and reduces feature noise, thus improving model interpretability.

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