Attentive Normalization

Committee machines—a universal method to deal with non-idealities in memristor-based neural networks

hand robot connections

Simplified Mixed Feature Type Preprocessing in Scikit-Learn with Pipelines

Self‐Validating Deep Learning for Recovering Terrestrial Water Storage From Gravity and Altimetry Measurements

There Is Hope After All: Quantifying Opinion and Trustworthiness in Neural Networks

High accuracy machine learning identification of fentanyl-relevant molecular compound classification via constituent functional group analysis

Centroid Initialization Methods for k-means Clustering

Data Science Approach to Estimate Enthalpy of Formation of Cyclic Hydrocarbons

Neural networks differentiate between Middle and Later Stone Age lithic assemblages in eastern Africa

Generative adversarial networks (GAN) based efficient sampling of chemical composition space for inverse design of inorganic materials