How to Deal with Categorical Data for Machine Learning
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Check out this guide to implementing different types of encoding for categorical data, including a cheat sheet on when to use what type.
In this blog we will explore and implement:
- One-hot Encoding using:
- Python’s category_encoding library
- Scikit-learn preprocessing
- Pandas' get_dummies
- Binary Encoding
- Frequency Encoding
- Label Encoding
- Ordinal Encoding
What is Categorical Data?
Categorical data is a type of data that is used to group information with similar characteristics, while numerical data is a type of data that expresses information in the form of numbers.
Example of categorical data: gender
Why do we need encoding?
- Most machine learning algorithms cannot handle categorical variables unless we convert them to numerical values
- Many algorithm’s performances even vary based upon how the categorical variables are encoded
Categorical variables can be divided into two categories:
- Nominal: no particular order
- Ordinal: there is some order between values
We will also refer to a cheat sheet that shows when to use which type of encoding.
Method 1: Using Python’s Category Encoder Library
category_encoders is an amazing Python library that provides 15 different encoding schemes.
Here is the list of the 15 types of encoding the library supports:
- One-hot Encoding
- Label Encoding
- Ordinal Encoding
- Helmert Encoding
- Binary Encoding
- Frequency Encoding
- Mean Encoding
- Weight of Evidence Encoding
- Probability Ratio Encoding
- Hashing Encoding
- Backward Difference Encoding
- Leave One Out Encoding
- James-Stein Encoding
- M-estimator Encoding
- Thermometer Encoder
Importing libraries:
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
pip install category_encoders
import category_encoders as ce
Creating a dataframe:
data = pd.DataFrame({ 'gender' : ['Male', 'Female', 'Male', 'Female', 'Female'],
'class' : ['A','B','C','D','A'],
'city' : ['Delhi','Gurugram','Delhi','Delhi','Gurugram'] })
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Implementing one-hot encoding through category_encoder
In this method, each category is mapped to a vector that contains 1 and 0 denoting the presence or absence of the feature. The number of vectors depends on the number of categories for features.
Create an object of the one-hot encoder:
ce_OHE = ce.OneHotEncoder(cols=['gender','city'])
data1 = ce_OHE.fit_transform(data)
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Binary Encoding
Binary encoding converts a category into binary digits. Each binary digit creates one feature column.
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ce_be = ce.BinaryEncoder(cols=['class']);
# transform the data
data_binary = ce_be.fit_transform(data["class"]);
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Similarly, there are another 14 types of encoding provided by this library.
Method 2: Using Pandas' get dummies
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We can assign a prefix if we want to, if we do not want the encoding to use the default.
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Method 3: Using Scikit-learn
Scikit-learn also has 15 different types of built-in encoders, which can be accessed from sklearn.preprocessing.
Scikit-learn One-hot Encoding
Let's first get the list of categorical variables from our data:
s = (data.dtypes == 'object')
cols = list(s[s].index)
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore',sparse=False)
Applying on the gender column:
data_gender = pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(data[["gender"]]))
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Applying on the city column:
data_city = pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(data[["city"]]))
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Applying on the class column:
data_class = pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(data[["class"]]))
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This is because the class column has 4 unique values.
Applying to the list of categorical variables:
data_cols = pd.DataFrame(ohe.fit_transform(data[cols]))
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Here the first 2 columns represent gender, the next 4 columns represent class, and the remaining 2 represent city.
Scikit-learn Label Encoding
In label encoding, each category is assigned a value from 1 through N where N is the number of categories for the feature. There is no relation or order between these assignments.
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
Label encoder takes no arguments
le_class = le.fit_transform(data[["class"]])
Comparing with one-hot encoding
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Ordinal Encoding
Ordinal encoding’s encoded variables retain the ordinal (ordered) nature of the variable. It looks similar to label encoding, the only difference being that label coding doesn't consider whether a variable is ordinal or not; it will then assign a sequence of integers.
Example: Ordinal encoding will assign values as Very Good(1) < Good(2) < Bad(3) < Worse(4)
First, we need to assign the original order of the variable through a dictionary.
temp = {'temperature' :['very cold', 'cold', 'warm', 'hot', 'very hot']}
temp_dict = {'very cold': 1,'cold': 2,'warm': 3,'hot': 4,"very hot":5}
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Then we can map each row for the variable as per the dictionary.
df["temp_ordinal"] =
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Frequency Encoding
The category is assigned as per the frequency of values in its total lot.
data_freq = pd.DataFrame({'class' : ['A','B','C','D','A',"B","E","E","D","C","C","C","E","A","A"]})
Grouping by class column:
fe = data_freq.groupby("class").size()
Dividing by length:
fe_ = fe/len(data_freq)
Mapping and rounding off:
data_freq["data_fe"] = data_freq["class"].map(fe_).round(2)
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In this article, we saw 5 types of encoding schemes. Similarly, there are 10 other types of encoding which we have not looked at:
- Helmert Encoding
- Mean Encoding
- Weight of Evidence Encoding
- Probability Ratio Encoding
- Hashing Encoding
- Backward Difference Encoding
- Leave One Out Encoding
- James-Stein Encoding
- M-estimator Encoding
- Thermometer Encoder
Which Encoding Method is Best?
There is no single method that works best for every problem or dataset. I personally think that the get_dummies method has an advantage in its ability to be implemented very easily.
If you want to read about all 15 types of encoding, here is a very good article to refer to.
Here is a cheat sheet on when to use what type of encoding:
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