Many tasks are subject to failure before completion. Two of the most commonfailure recovery strategies are restart and checkpointing. Under restart, oncea failure occurs, it is restarted from the beginning. Under checkpointing, thetask is resumed from the preceding checkpoint after the failure. We...
Eigenvalues of higher multiplicity of the Nonlinear Fourier Transform (NFT)are considered for information transmission over fiber optic channels. Theeffects of phase, time or frequency shifts on this generalized NFT are derived,as well as an expression for the signal energy. These relations are used...
In the successive refinement problem, a fixed-length sequence emitted from aninformation source is encoded into two codewords by two encoders in order togive two reconstructions of the sequence. One of two reconstructions isobtained by one of two codewords, and the other reconstruction is obtained...
Identifying the relationship between two text objects is a core researchproblem underlying many natural language processing tasks. A wide range of deeplearning schemes have been proposed for text matching, mainly focusing onsentence matching, question answering or query document matching. We point...
This work addresses the task of multilabel image classification. Inspired bythe great success from deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) forsingle-label visual-semantic embedding, we exploit extending these models formultilabel images. Specifically, we propose an image-dependent ranking model...
We normally hold a lot of confidential information in hard disk drives andsolid-state drives. When we want to erase such information to prevent theleakage, we have to overwrite the sequence of information with a sequence ofsymbols independent of the information. The overwriting is needed only...
We propose a new multiclass weighted loss function for instance segmentationof cluttered cells. We are primarily motivated by the need of developmentalbiologists to quantify and model the behavior of blood T-cells which might helpus in understanding their regulation mechanisms and ultimately help...
Ultra wideband technology has shown great promise for providing high-qualitylocation estimation, even in complex indoor multipath environments, butexisting ultra wideband systems require tens to hundreds of milliwatts duringoperation. Backscatter communication has demonstrated the viability...
Although connectivity services have been introduced already today in many ofthe most recent car models, the potential of vehicles serving as highly mobilesensor platform in the Internet of Things (IoT) has not been sufficientlyexploited yet. The European AutoMat project has therefore defined an...
Nowadays vehicles are by default equipped with communication hardware. Thisenables new possibilities of connected services, like vehicles serving ashighly mobile sensor platforms in the Internet of Things (IoT) context. Hereby,cars need to upload and transfer their data via a mobile communication...
From very recent studies, the area spectral efficiency (ASE) performance ofdownlink (DL) cellular networks will continuously decrease and finally to zerowith the network densification in a fully loaded ultra-dense network (UDN) whenthe absolute height difference between a base station (BS) antenna...
We introduce a data-driven forecasting method for high dimensional, chaoticsystems using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks. Theproposed LSTM neural networks perform inference of high dimensional dynamicalsystems in their reduced order space and are shown to be an effective set...
We propose a new method for the reconstruction of simplicial complexes(combining points, edges and triangles) from 3D point clouds from Mobile LaserScanning (MLS). Our method uses the inherent topology of the MLS sensor todefine a spatial adjacency relationship between points. We then...
This paper introduces epistemic graphs as a generalization of the epistemicapproach to probabilistic argumentation. In these graphs, an argument can bebelieved or disbelieved up to a given degree, thus providing a morefine--grained alternative to the standard Dung's approaches when it comes...
Vision and touch are two of the important sensing modalities for humans andthey offer complementary information for sensing the environment. Robots arealso envisioned to be of such multi-modal sensing ability. In this paper, wepropose a new fusion method named Deep Maximum Covariance Analysis (DMCA)...
Coverage problem in wireless sensor networks measures how well a region orparts of it is sensed by the deployed sensors. Definition of coverage metricdepends on its applications for which sensors are deployed. In this paper, weintroduce a new quality control metric/measure called road coverage. It...
We propose a distributed protocol for a queue, called \textsc{Skueue}, whichspreads its data fairly onto multiple processes, avoiding bottlenecks in highthroughput scenarios. \textsc{Skueue} can be used in highly dynamicenvironments, through the addition of join and leave requests to the...
We present a first result towards the use of entailment in- side relationaldual tableau-based decision procedures. To this end, we introduce a fragment ofRL(1) which admits a restricted form of composition, (R ; S) or (R ; 1), wherethe left subterm R of (R ; S) is only allowed to be either the...
Accurate estimation of the biomass of roadside grasses plays a significantrole in applications such as fire-prone region identification. Currentsolutions heavily depend on field surveys, remote sensing measurements andimage processing using reference markers, which often demand big investments...
The study of genome rearrangement has many flavours, but they all are somehowtied to edit distances on variations of a multi-graph called the breakpointgraph. We study a weighted 2-break distance on Eulerian 2-edge-coloredmulti-graphs, which generalizes weighted versions of several Double Cut...
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