Recent work has shown that offline reinforcement learning (RL) can be formulated as a sequence modeling problem (Chen et al., 2021; Janner et al., 2021) and solved via approaches similar to large-scale language modeling. However, any practical instantiation of RL also involves an online component...
Self-supervised learning methods have shown impressive results in downstream classification tasks. However, there is limited work in understanding and interpreting their learned representations. In this paper, we study the representation space of several state-of-the-art self-supervised models...
A geometric deep-learning model is faster and more accurate than state-of-the-art computational models, reducing the chances and costs of drug trial failures.
We present a framework that can impose the audio effects and production style from one recording to another by example with the goal of simplifying the audio production process. We train a deep neural network to analyze an input recording and a style reference recording, and predict the control...
Devising domain- and model-agnostic evaluation metrics for generative models is an important and as yet unresolved problem. Most existing metrics, which were tailored solely to the image synthesis setup, exhibit a limited capacity for diagnosing the different modes of failure of generative models...
Model-based reinforcement learning methods often use learning only for the purpose of estimating an approximate dynamics model, offloading the rest of the decision-making work to classical trajectory optimizers. While conceptually simple, this combination has a number of empirical shortcomings...
Piction Health, founded by Susan Conover SM ’15, uses machine learning to help physicians identify and manage skin disease.
Ride-hailing in Lagos: algorithmic impacts and driver resistance
The use of machine learning (ML) methods for prediction and forecasting has become widespread across the quantitative sciences. However, there are many known methodological pitfalls, including data leakage, in ML-based science. In this paper, we systematically investigate reproducibility issues in...
The development of CLIP [Radford et al., 2021] has sparked a debate on whether language supervision can result in vision models with more transferable representations than traditional image-only methods. Our work studies this question through a carefully controlled comparison of two approaches in...
Existing depth completion methods are often targeted at a specific sparse depth type, and generalize poorly across task domains. We present a method to complete sparse/semi-dense, noisy, and potentially low-resolution depth maps obtained by various range sensors, including those in modern mobile...
Given a set of images of a scene, the re-rendering of this scene from novel views and lighting conditions is an important and challenging problem in Computer Vision and Graphics. On the one hand, most existing works in Computer Vision usually impose many assumptions regarding the image formation...
Irony machine: why are AI researchers teaching computers to recognise irony?
Researchers have made strides toward machine-learning models that can help doctors more efficiently find information in a patient’s health record.
Relations are basic building blocks of human cognition. Classic and recent work suggests that many relations are early developing, and quickly perceived. Machine models that aspire to human-level perception and reasoning should reflect the ability to recognize and reason generatively about relations...
In-context learning refers to the ability of a model to condition on a prompt sequence consisting of in-context examples (input-output pairs corresponding to some task) along with a new query input, and generate the corresponding output. Crucially, in-context learning happens only at inference time...
Researchers train a machine-learning model to monitor and adjust the 3D printing process to correct errors in real-time.
Epilepsy: how an AI algorithm detects related brain abnormalities – new research
Machine unlearning, i.e. having a model forget about some of its training data, has become increasingly more important as privacy legislation promotes variants of the right-to-be-forgotten. In the context of deep learning, approaches for machine unlearning are broadly categorized into two classes...
We present an approach for the planar surface reconstruction of a scene from images with limited overlap. This reconstruction task is challenging since it requires jointly reasoning about single image 3D reconstruction, correspondence between images, and the relative camera pose between images. Past...
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