The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a pervasive presence of interconnectedand uniquely identifiable physical devices. These devices' goal is to gatherdata and drive actions in order to improve productivity, and ultimately reduceor eliminate reliance on human intervention for data acquisition...
This paper examines dynamic energy consumption caused by data during softwareexecution on deeply embedded microprocessors, which can be significant on somedevices. In worst-case energy consumption analysis, energy models are used tofind the most costly execution path. Taking each instruction's worst...
In a weakly-supervised scenario object detectors need to be trained usingimage-level annotation alone. Since bounding-box-level ground truth is notavailable, most of the solutions proposed so far are based on an iterative,Multiple Instance Learning framework in which the current classifier is used...
Defined on Birman-Ko-Lee monoids, the rotating normal form has strongconnections with the Dehornoy's braid ordering. It can be seen as a process forselecting between all the representative words of a Birman-Ko-Lee braid aparticular one, called rotating word. In this paper we construct, for all n 2,a...
Efficient routing is one of the key challenges of wireless networking forunmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) due to dynamically changing channel andnetwork topology characteristics. Various well known mobile-ad-hoc routingprotocols, such as AODV, OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N. have been proposed to allow...
The problem of estimating the Kullback-Leibler divergence $D(P\|Q)$ betweentwo unknown distributions $P$ and $Q$ is studied, under the assumption that thealphabet size $k$ of the distributions can scale to infinity. The estimation isbased on $m$ independent samples drawn from $P$ and $n$ independent...
Given a weighted digraph D, finding the longest simple path is well known tobe NP-hard. Furthermore, even giving an approximation algorithm is known to beNP-hard. In this paper we describe an efficient heuristic algorithm for findinglong simple paths, using an hybrid approach of DFS and pseudo...
Compared to former mobile networks, Long Term Evolution (LTE) offers highertransfer speeds, significantly lower latencies and a widespread availability,qualifying LTE for a wide range of different applications and services in thefield of conventional Human-to-Human (H2H) as well as fast growing...
Efficient routing is one of the key challenges for next generation vehicularnetworks in order to provide fast and reliable communication in a smart citycontext. Various routing protocols have been proposed for determining optimalrouting paths in highly dynamic topologies. However, it is the dilemma...
With the increasing availability of transaction data collected by digitalparking meters, paid curbside parking can be advantageously modeled as anetwork of interdependent queues. In this article we introduce methods foranalyzing a special class of networks of finite capacity queues, where...
We analyze sources of error in prediction market forecasts in order to boundthe difference between a security's price and the ground truth it estimates. Weconsider cost-function-based prediction markets in which an automated marketmaker adjusts security prices according to the history of trade. We...
Since Alan Turing envisioned Artificial Intelligence (AI) [1], a majordriving force behind technical progress has been competition with humancognition. Historical milestones have been frequently associated with computersmatching or outperforming humans in difficult cognitive tasks (e.g...
The ability to classify objects is fundamental for robots. Besides knowledgeabout their visual appearance, captured by the RGB channel, robots heavily needalso depth information to make sense of the world. While the use of deepnetworks on RGB robot images has benefited from the plethora of...
I study the problem of allocating objects among agents without using money.Agents can receive several objects and have dichotomous preferences, meaningthat they either consider objects to be acceptable or not. In this setup, theegalitarian solution is more appealing than the competitive equilibrium...
Many natural combinatorial problems can be expressed as constraintsatisfaction problems. This class of problems is known to be NP-complete ingeneral, but certain restrictions on the form of the constraints can ensuretractability. The standard way to parameterize interesting subclasses of...
We present efficient algorithms for computing optimal or approximatelyoptimal strategies in a zero-sum game for which Player I has n pure strategiesand Player II has an arbitrary number of pure strategies. We assume that forany given mixed strategy of Player I, a best response or "approximate"...
We observed that safety arguments are prone to stay too abstract, refer to large packages, argument strategies to complex reasoningsteps, contexts and assumptions lack traceability. These issues can reduce theconfidence we require of such arguments. In this paper, we investigate...
Memristive crossbars have become a popular means for realizing unsupervisedand supervised learning techniques. In previous neuromorphic architectures withleaky integrate-and-fire neurons, the crossbar itself has been separated fromthe neuron capacitors to preserve mathematical rigor. In this work...
Analysis of Stochastic Switched Systems with Application to Networked Control Under Jamming Attacks.
We investigate the stability problem for discrete-time stochastic switchedlinear systems under the specific scenarios where information about theswitching patterns and the probability of switches are not available. Ouranalysis focuses on the average number of times each mode becomes active in...
We unify two prominent lines of work on multi-armed bandits: bandits withknapsacks (BwK) and combinatorial semi-bandits. The former concerns limited"resources" consumed by the algorithm, e.g., limited supply in dynamic pricing.The latter allows a huge number of actions but assumes combinatorial...
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