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Lightweight Joint Simulation of Vehicular Mobility and Communication with LIMoSim.

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Benjamin Sliwa, Johannes Pillmann, Fabian Eckermann, Lars Habel, Michael Schreckenberg, Christian Wietfeld

The provision of reliable and efficient communication is a key requirementfor the deployment of autonomous cars as well as for future IntelligentTransportation Systems (ITSs) in smart cities. Novel communicationstechnologies will have to face highly-complex and extremely dynamic networktopologies in a Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)-context and will require theconsideration of mobility information into decision processes for routing,handover and resource allocation. Consequently, researches and developersrequire simulation tools that are capable of providing realisticrepresentations for both components as well as means for leveraging theconvergence of mobility and communication. In this paper, we present alightweight framework for the simulation of vehicular mobility, which has acommunications-oriented perspective by design and is intended to be used incombination with a network simulator. In contrast to existing approaches, itworks without requiring Interprocess Communication (IPC) using an integratedapproach and is therefore able to reduce the complexity of simulation setupsdramatically. Since mobility and communication share the same codebase, it isable to model scenarios with a high level of interdependency between those twocomponents. In a proof-of-concept study, we evaluate the proposed simulator indifferent example scenarios in an Long Term Evolution (LTE)- context usingreal-world map data.

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