Gods and Robots In this episode of the podcast we shake things up! Neil is on the guest side of the table with his partner Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner to discuss their upcoming project Gods and Robots. Katherine is joined on the host side by friend of the show professor Michael Littman. See... See More Episodes arXiv Whitepapers Machine Learning Data Practices through a Data Curation Lens: An Evaluation Framework Studies of dataset development in machine learning call for greater attention to the data practices that make model development possible and shape its outcomes. Many argue that the adoption of theory and practices from archives and data curation fields can support greater fairness, accountability... Lazy Data Practices Harm Fairness Research Data practices shape research and practice on fairness in machine learning (fair ML). Critical data studies offer important reflections and critiques for the responsible advancement of the field by highlighting shortcomings and proposing recommendations for improvement. In this work, we present a... Are Models Biased on Text without Gender-related Language? Gender bias research has been pivotal in revealing undesirable behaviors in large language models, exposing serious gender stereotypes associated with occupations, and emotions. A key observation in prior work is that models reinforce stereotypes as a consequence of the gendered correlations that... More featured content News Articles Solving a machine-learning mystery Large language models help decipher clinical notes Stay in the loop. Subscribe to our newsletter for a weekly update on the latest podcast, news, events, and jobs postings. E-mail Leave this field blank Limits to computing: A computer scientist explains why even in the age of AI, some problems are just too difficult Flood forecasts in real-time with block-by-block data could save lives – a new machine learning method makes it possible An automated way to assemble thousands of objects From a ‘deranged’ provocateur to IBM’s failed AI superproject: the controversial story of how data has transformed healthcare Computers that power self-driving cars could be a huge driver of global carbon emissions Subtle biases in AI can influence emergency decisions AI might be seemingly everywhere, but there are still plenty of things it can’t do – for now A simpler path to better computer vision More news