AI model can help determine where a patient’s cancer arose

Worldcoin is scanning eyeballs to build a global ID and finance system. Governments are not impressed

Offline Reinforcement Learning with On-Policy Q-Function Regularization

ÌròyìnSpeech: A multi-purpose Yorùbá Speech Corpus

XSTest: A Test Suite for Identifying Exaggerated Safety Behaviours in Large Language Models

New method simplifies the construction process for complex materials

Robust Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks With Probabilistic Guarantees

Bound by the Bounty: Collaboratively Shaping Evaluation Processes for Queer AI Harms

A ‘black box’ AI system has been influencing criminal justice decisions for over two decades – it’s time to open it up

Opening up ChatGPT: Tracking openness, transparency, and accountability in instruction-tuned text generators