Supporters and Skeptics: LLM-based Analysis of Engagement with Mental Health (Mis)Information Content on Video-sharing Platforms

From thoughts to words: How AI deciphers neural signals to help a man with ALS speak

Dataset Scale and Societal Consistency Mediate Facial Impression Bias in Vision-Language AI

CAPTCHAs: The struggle to tell real humans from fake

Data centres are guzzling up too much electricity. Can we make them more efficient?

"I don't see myself represented here at all": User Experiences of Stable Diffusion Outputs Containing Representational Harms across Gender Identities and Nationalities

Paris Olympics 2024: faster, higher, stronger – and more data-driven

Gender, Race, and Intersectional Bias in Resume Screening via Language Model Retrieval

Do Generative AI Models Output Harm while Representing Non-Western Cultures: Evidence from A Community-Centered Approach

AI tutors could be coming to the classroom – but who taught the tutor, and should you trust them?